sPorTs iN oUr scHoOl

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2007

weLcoMe fRiendS to ouR bLog!!

Hi fRienDs!!

We aRe a gRoup in tHe SPY PROJECT, ouR topiC is "sPoRts", anD tHe suBtopiC is "disTanceS in sPoRts".

ouR nameS aRe:
aLBa!, meRy!, saRaH!, carLoTa!, lauRa!, cLaRa! anD iVan!.

ouR woRks aRe:
*saRaH anD carLoTa->cooRdinatoRs.
*aLBa->secRetaiRe (wRiTing pRoduceR).
*lauRa, cLaRa anD meRy->seRcH engiNe.
*iVan->dRaugHts-maN (gRapHic deSigneR).


heRe, yOu caN see infoRmaTion aBout "diStanceS in sPoRts" is veRy inTeResTing!!

tHis bLog is veRy uSefuL, becouSe iT sHowS a lot oF ideaS!

YoU musT senD teXt meSSaGe!!


haVe a niCe daY!!

posT pLeaSe! =]

gOOd_ bYe!!~~