sPorTs iN oUr scHoOl

domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2007



sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2007

SpOrTs In OuR sChOoL

Hi friend!

We are the same group, but our subtopic is diferent than the previous, this is: " Sports in our school". Our "works" are :

  • Carlota and Sarah: coordinators.
  • Alba and Clara: secretaires(writing producer)
  • Mery and Laura: serch engine.
  • Iván:draughts-man(graphic designer)


You must send text messages!

Have a nice day!

Good bye!

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2007

weLcoMe fRiendS to ouR bLog!!

Hi fRienDs!!

We aRe a gRoup in tHe SPY PROJECT, ouR topiC is "sPoRts", anD tHe suBtopiC is "disTanceS in sPoRts".

ouR nameS aRe:
aLBa!, meRy!, saRaH!, carLoTa!, lauRa!, cLaRa! anD iVan!.

ouR woRks aRe:
*saRaH anD carLoTa->cooRdinatoRs.
*aLBa->secRetaiRe (wRiTing pRoduceR).
*lauRa, cLaRa anD meRy->seRcH engiNe.
*iVan->dRaugHts-maN (gRapHic deSigneR).


heRe, yOu caN see infoRmaTion aBout "diStanceS in sPoRts" is veRy inTeResTing!!

tHis bLog is veRy uSefuL, becouSe iT sHowS a lot oF ideaS!

YoU musT senD teXt meSSaGe!!


haVe a niCe daY!!

posT pLeaSe! =]

gOOd_ bYe!!~~